- ISO-7810 conform – credit card quality
- RFID HF (13.56 MHz), LF (125 kHz) and UHF (900 MHz) can be combined
- Possible incl. memory chip or processor chip
- With magnetic stripe and/or barcode
- Up to seven data carriers can be combined in one card
Combination Cards – All-In-One
Combination cards contain at least to technologies of the same kind, typically multiple RFID chips, with identical or differing resonance frequencies. Thus, an ID-card is made fit for multiple reading technologies and/or system providers. Hybrid cards , however, unite different data carrier technologies of the same medium. In principle, nearly all known technologies from magnetic stripe, over infrared codes to contact and RFID chips can be combined. The special characteristic of the hybrid card is that all technologies are operated separately on the card. Thus, countless applications and/or systems can be operated with only card.
Migration – Combination Cards Connect Generations and Sites
Many organizations have infrastructure for access and time recording which are based on different data carriers and have grown over a period of time. Technological advancement, increasing security demands but also company acquisitions make it necessary to unite different chips and other data carriers in a single card. This protects standing investments and infrastructure because standing systems and reader generations can be operated in parallel. In a migration to a more modern technology, the transition to the chosen future technology is made easier and economically sustainable by a combination card.
LEGIC® and MIFARE® on one Chip?
Certain technologies like LEGIC advant® ISO14443 and MIFARE® can only be realized as a combination card with great difficulty. For those applications, SMART Contactless offers the unity of both worlds with the LEGIC® card-in-card the union of both worlds on a DESFire platform. The new LEGIC® MP313 chip also offers future-oriented approaches for the parallel use of MIFARE® and LEGIC® in one chip.
Combination Cards Should be Tested in Advance!
With all variations of this type of card, there must be space for several components such as chips or antennas inside the card. Interactions can arise that impair reading and writing performance. SMART Contactless supports its customers with the appropriate know-how and develops and produces the necessary samples for a field test.